

Summary of Various Organized Athletic Activities.--Hockey Starts Monday.

For the information of men who desire to take exercise this winter in some form of organized sport, the following summary of the varied opportunities for athletic activity has been made:


Winter track work will begin this year, as usual, immediately after the Christmas vacation. On Thursday, January 4, there will be a meeting of all candidates for the University team, at which an outline of the work will be presented and men prominent in track athletics will speak. On the following day regular practice will begin. The candidates will be divided into four or five squads, two to report in the morning and the others in the afternoon, thus making it possible for every man to work at his own convenience. Squad captains will be elected to help superintend the work. A board track will be built as usual on Holmes Field, where the sprinters will practice under the supervision of Coach Lathrop. The distance men will run on the roads about Cambridge, when weather permits.

Besides the routine of daily practice there will be ample opportunity for competitive work, such as the regular class relay teams and one or two intercollegiate relay races, in which University teams will compete. In order to gain experience it is hoped that as many men as possible will enter individually in the B. A. A. meet, which will be held early in February.



Practice for the University and class hockey squads will begin on some nearby pond as soon as the ice becomes strong enough. Bulletins announcing the first day of practice will be posted at Leavitt and Peirce's. Two rinks have been built in the Stadium, and as soon as the ice is in good condition all practice will be held there.

Class terms will be formed in two or three weeks, the time depending largely upon the weather, and the usual interclass series will be played after the Christmas recess. In order to give all the men who cannot make the University or class teams, an opportunity to play, it is planned to institute a scrub series this year.


Forty-nine men handed in their names as candidates for the University and class basketball teams on November 27. Although since that time the number has gradually been increased to 78, there is still a good opportunity for more men. The candidates have been divided into class squads, and will be coached by old University team men, in order to develop teams to take part in the interclass series. Members of the winning class team will receive their class numerals and also cups presented by the management. At the end of the class series next week the University squad will be chosen. The squads report daily at the following hours: 1906 at 6 o'clock: 1907 at 6.45 o'clock: 1908 at 7.15 o'clock; Law and Medical School men at 8 o'clock; 1909 at 8.15 o'clock.


Candidates for the University gymnastic team met on November 23 to discuss plans for the year. Beside the series of exhibitions by the University team, including those with Yale, Columbia, Brown and the intercollegiate exhibition, it was decided to hold a novice meet on December 20. Cups will be given for the best work on the horse, the rings, and the horizontal and parallel bars, and for the best exhibition of tumbling and club swinging. A cup will also be given for the best all-around work. Candidates for the team have been assigned to squads which practice daily at hours between 4.30 and 5.30.

For the benefit of men not interested in competitive gymnastics, the Gymnasium offers apparatus of all kinds and a competent instructor to take charge of the work. Two regular classes meet every afternoon except Saturday, one at 4 o'clock for heavy work and the other at 5 o'clock for light gymnastics.

Water Sports.

The same branches of water sports will be open to members of the University this year as last, namely: water polo, swimming and diving. It is hoped that the work will begin before the Christmas vacation, but there is some difficulty in obtaining a tank, and for that reason practice may be delayed. No plans nor schedule of meets have yet been decided upon.


On November 6 a meeting was held to organize the fencing squad for this year. The work so far, which has been carried on in the gymnasium there times a week under the instruction of M. Pianelli, is in preparation for the interclass and novice tournaments next month. Cups offered by H. St. Gaudens '03 will be awarded the winning team in the class tournament. The University team, which will compete in the intercollegiate tournament on March 16 and 17, will be chosen after the novice and interclass contests. It is probable that several dual meets will be held, but no definite dates have been arranged.


Both University and Freshman rowing is now discontinued. Candidates will probably be called out, however, soon after the mid-year examination period, and work on the machines will be kept up until the river is open. No plans for choosing the University crew have yet been announced. It is probable that the class races will be held as usual next spring.


Heretofore candidates for the University and Freshman baseball teams have been called for just after the mid-year examination period, but an earlier call will probably be issued this year. Preliminary work in choosing University and Freshman candidates will be carried on in the cage this year, as formerly.
