

With Mass Meeting in Sanders Theatre Tonight at 8.--John R. Mott to Speak.

The nineteenth annual convention of the Church Students' Missionary Association will end this evening with a mass meeting in Sanders Theatre at 8 o'clock. Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D.D., '71, bishop of Massachusetts, will preside. John R. Mott, general secretary of the World's Student Christian Federation, will speak on "The Possibilities of the Student World in the Extension of Christ's Kingdom," and Rev. Arthur S. Lloyd, D.D., general secretary of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society will speak on "The End of Missions: The World for God." All members of the University and Episcopalians especially are cordially invited to attend this meeting.

At the business session in Phillips Brooks House yesterday morning, reports of the treasurer and other officers were given, and a letter was read from Rev. D. T. Huntington, the missionary in China supported by the Association. At other meetings yesterday interesting addresses were made by Rev. Arthur M. Sherman of Hankow, China, Rev. E. P. Smith, educational secretary of the same society, Rev. Alexander Mann, S. T. D., rector of Trinity Church, Boston, Prof. J. H. Wright, dean of the Graduate school, and Rt. Rev. F. S. Spalding, D.D., bishop of Salt Lake.

Following is the program for today: at 7.30 o'clock in Christ Church, Rev. A. P. Hunt, chairman of the executive committee of the Association, will celebrate Holy Communion; at 9 o'clock in Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House, an important business session, including an address by Robert H. Gardiner '76, president of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew; at 11 o'clock in Christ Church, Rev. Endicott Peabody, D.D., headmaster of Groton School, will speak on "The Missionary Problem in its Relation to the Boarding School," John R. Mott will speak on the same subject in its relation to the college and university, and Rev. J. C. Roper, D.D., professor in the General Theological Seminary, on its relation to the theological seminary; at 3.30 o'clock in Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House, Rev. H. St. G. Tucker, president of St. Paul's College, Tokio, will speak on "Japan and its Future," and instead of the talk by Miss Sorabji of India, which was announced before, Miss Hayashi of Japan will give an address in Japanese, which will be translated by an interpreter. The convention will close with the meeting in Sanders Theatre announced above.
