
Upperclass Debating club Formed

An upperclass debating club has been formed to promote extemporaneous speaking among the members of the Junior and senior classes. The club is open to all members of the two upper classes who care to join and will hold meetings every Monday night. Every week a question for debate will be decided upon and two members will be assigned to each side of the question. These four men will investigate the subject and will prepare short speeches to open the debate, and thus give the other members a basis for further argument. Every speaker, however, will be restricted to la speech of five minutes.

The society is in charge of a committee consisting of C. L. Smith '07, E. E. Norman '07 and J. d. Pounds '08. A permanent secretary will be appointed, but there will be a different chairman appointed to conduct each meeting, in order to give all members experience in presiding. All upper classmen are invited to join as the purpose of the society is to have a membership large enough to enable members to absent themselves at will, without interfering with the work of the club.
