
University Reception December 16

The University Reception for the current academic year will be held in the Union on Saturday evening, December 16. It will take the form of a reception to meet the Rt. William Lawrence. D.D., Bishop of Massachusetts, and Mrs. Lawrence, and is intended to emphasize the gratification of the various governing boards of the University at the founding of the teachers' Endowment Fund, which was first suggested by Bishop Lawrence, and is still being raised by a committee of which he is chairman.

From 8.30 to 9.30 o'clock Bishop Lawrence and Mrs. Lawrence will receive in the Living room. Supper will be served in the dining room from 9.30 to 11 o'clock, and there will be dancing in the Periodical Room from 9 to 12 o'clock.

The patronesses are: Mrs. C. W. Eliot, Mrs. W. W. Fenn, Mrs. Kuno Francke. Mrs. C. W. Langdell, Mrs. Kuno Francke.

The arrangements are in charge of the Board of managers of the University Reception, and in direct charge of the executive committee, which consists of the following: Professor E. Wambaugh '76, chairman: Professor W. H. Schofield Ph.D., '93, secretary: Dr. G. H. Chase '96, treasurer: Dean L. B. R. Briggs '75, Professor W. S. Burke, Professor W. P. Spalding '87, Professor J. L. Love, Ph.B. '90, and Professor F. L. Kennedy '92.
