
Plans for Soldiers Field Drainage

Work will be begun today on a new system for draining Soldiers Field, for which a plan by Professor H. J. Hughes has recently been accepted by the Athletic Committee. During the winter about a dozen catch basins will be built to drain the surface water. Below these will be driven wooden piles to prevent the basins from sinking into the soft ground. A series of small, underground porous tiles will connect the large pipes already installed and leading directly into the Charles River.

At present only about one-third of the entire field has been drained and of the remaining two-thirds probably one quarter will be finished this year. The new drainage system will gradually be used in all the undrained parts. No definite date has been set for the completion of the work, but it will probably not he finished for three or four years.

In the spring a new field will be levelled and graded for a cricket crease. The most available land now is the ground west of the baseball diamond, where four new drains have been placed during the tall. The money for the field has lately been appropriated by the Athletic Committee.
