For the benefit of men engaged in the various winter sports, and for those who contemplate taking exercise in some organized athletic activity, the following summary of the beginning of work after the Christmas recess has been made:
Candidates for the University track team will be called out on Thursday, January 4, and regular work will begin the following day. The candidates will be divided into four or five squads, two to report in the morning and the others in the afternoon, thus making it possible for every man to work at this own convenience. a board track has been built on Holmes Field, where the sprinters will practice under the supervision of Coach Lathrop. The distance men will run on the roads about Cambridge, when the weather permits.
Practice for the University hockey team will be continued on Wednesday, January 3, at 3.30 o'clock. If the ice is good on the stadium rink the first work of the new year will be held there otherwise on some nearby pond. The University squad has already been picked, and a training table will be started immediately after Christmas; but all men who wish to take part in this sport will be given an opportunity to try for their class teams, which will be called out early in January.
The next practice for the University basketball squad will be held in the Gymnasium on Wednesday evening, January 3, at 8 o'clock. At this time regular work will be continued in preparation for the first game of the intercollegiate schedule, with Pennsylvania, on January 6.
Only a few men have reported for the 1909 class team, which will hold its next practice in the Gymnasium on Wednesday, January 3, at 6.45 o'clock.
Water Sports
The first practice of the candidates for the University swimming and water polo teams, after the Christmas recess, will be held on Wednesday afternoon, January 3, in the Craigie tank. There has been a re-division of squads whereby all the water polo candidates will practice on Monday and Wednesday at 5 o'clock; swimming team candidates, squad C, Wednesday at 4 o'clock, and Friday at 5 o'clock; swimming team candidates, squads A and B combined, on Monday and Friday at 4 o'clock.
The Freshman rowing squad will be called out on Wednesday, January 3, and will work on the machines until the river is open.
The University squad, composed of those men retained last fall and a few others who proved their ability in the interdormitory series, will not be called out until after the mid-year examination period. Coach Wray will have charge of the work again this year.
The work of the University and class fencing teams will be resumed on Wed nesday, January 3, at 4.30 o'clock in the fencing room of the Gymnasium. Regular practice will be held three times a week in preparation for the interclass matches, which will be held late in January.
Regular daily practice of the University gymnastic team will be resumed on Wednesday, January 3, at 4.30 o'clock, in the Gymnasium
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