The annual meeting of the American Folk-Lore Society will be held at Ithaca, New York, from December 26 to 29, and the American Anthropological Association, the Archaeological Institute of America, and the American Philological Association will meet at the same time and place.
Reduced rates of a fare and one-third, on the certificate plan, have been secured from the Trunk Line Association, the New England Passenger Association. The Central Passenger Association and the Eastern Canadian Passenger Association. In applying for certificates from ticket agents, mention the Archaelogical Institute of America instead of the American Folk-Lore Society. In consulting time tables it should be remembered that East Ithaca is the Ithaca station of the Elmira and Cortland branch of the Le high Valley Railroad. Cars meet all trains at this station, and all cars pass the hotels.
The Cornell University authorities invite all members of the Society to luncheon in Sage College as their guests, at one o'clock on December 27, 28, and 29. In view of this arrangement, the Ithaca hotel has reduced its rates to $1.50, $2 and $2.50; and the Clinton House to $1.50, and $2. The various sessions of the Society will be held in Stimson Hall, which may be reached by all cars passing the hotels mentioned, as well as by the Eddy Street line, a somewhat shorter route.
All members and prospective members are cordially invited to present papers. Those intending to do so are requested to send titles of communication to W. W. Newell, Cambridge, Massachusetts, at an early date.
In addition to the list of papers to be announced later, the program will include: 1. Meeting of the Council of The American Folk-Lore Society. Time and place to be hereafter communicated. 2. Address of welcome by President Schurman on Wednesday at 8 P. M. followed by a reception at his residence on the campus. 3. Joint meeting of the societies on Thursday at 3 P. M. with addresses by Hon. Andrew D. White, first president of Cornell University, and by two members from each society. 4. Meeting of the Committee on the Preservation of the Ruins of American Antiquity. Professor Thomas Day Seymour Chairman, at 8 P. M.
For further information relative to local arrangements, address Professor H. C. Elmer. Chairman of the Local Committee, Cornell University, Ithacs, New York
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Prof. Winter to Read December 16