The first match of the University fencing team will be with Technology on February 10. Arrangements are also being made for a triangular meet with Columbia and Technology on February 16, for matches with Cornell on February 23, with West Point on February 24, and for a quadrangular meet with Pennsylvania, Yale, and Technology on March 2. None of these dates will be definitely fixed until the meeting of the Intercollegiate Association in New York on December 27, and all are subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee.
Practice has been held in the Gymnasium since November 10. Mr. P. Pianelli has been coaching the University squad, the University squad, which is made up of the following: W. MacLeod sL., A. Tyng sS., H. A. Hirsh 2L., C. A. Bliss '08, B. Madero '07. About 18 other men-have been practicing with the squad, and more men are expected to come out after the recess.
A closed novice tournament, open only to members of the University who have never won a prize in an open novice competition, will be held under the auspices of the Fencers' Club probably January 12. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of the first three places. An open novice tournament will be held about February 16, and an open Junior tournament March 1.
The interclass matches will come immediately before or after the first novice tournament. Captains of the class teams have not yet been elected.
No hockey practice was held yesterday on account of the poor condition of the ice in the Stadium rink. A bulletin accounting time and place of practice will be posted in Leavitt & Peirce's before 2.30 o'clock today.
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