About 25 men have been reporting daily for practice for the gymnastic team, and there has been great improvement in the work. As the men have only been practicing for about three weeks, it has been decided not to hold the novice gymnastic meet tomorrow evening, as planned, but to postpone it until the last of January. C. A. Woodbury '06, captain of the team, G. F. Evans 1G., captain of last year's team, and C. L. Schrader, gymnastic instructor at the Gymnasium, have been coaching the squad. Candidates for the team will continue to report as follows: squad on the rings at 4.30 o'clock; squad on the horizontal and parallel bars at 5 o'clock; squad on the horse, and squad in tumbling at 5.30 o'clock.
The following schedule of exhibitions has been arranged:
Jan. 13--Andover at Andover.
Jan. 20--Groton at Groton.
Feb. 3.--Boston Athletic Association at Boston.
Feb. 10--St. Mark's at Southboro.
Feb. 16--Yale at New Haven.
Feb. 23--Columbia at Cambridge.
March 17--Pennsylvania at Cambridge.
March 30--Intercollegiate meet at New York.
April 6--Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Boston.
April 28--New York University at New York.
Besides these, a final exhibition will be given in Cambridge in May.
There will be a meeting of representatives of colleges in the Intercollegiate Gymnastic Association in New York in the Christmas vacation to discuss plan for next year. The adoption of definite rules for judging gymnastic contests, and the advisability of introducing feats of strength into the exhibitions will be considered. H. H. Coryell 2G. and. G. S. Taylor '08 will represent the University.
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