
French Play Well Received

The graduates' performance of Moliere's "L'Amour Medecin," and Tristan Bernard's "L'Anglais Tel Qu'on le Parle" was given by the Cercle Francais last night in Brattle Hall. The acting was uniformly good, and as there were 40 men in the cast the performance was truly remarkable. From beginning to end the movement was quick, light and humorous, the gestures graceful, and the interpretation excellent. The French also was fairly perfect, as many of the chief parts were handled by men who have lived several years in France.

In "L'Amour Medecin" F. Dexter '08, in the part of the "Old Man," around whom the whole play revolves, was unusually good in his diction and handled his part with ease and distinction. G.A. Schneider '08 as "Lisette" proved himself a charmingly attractive and sprightly companion. F. deR. Storey 1G. acted his part as a lover with much feeling. H.W. Nichols '07 in the part of "Champagne" was remarkably good. The "Four Doctors" were especial favorites, and in the second act caused much laughter by their funny gestures. M. Wertheim '06 in the way he rendered the most difficult speech in the play showed an ease of diction unusual in amateur theatrieals.

In the second play F.M. Gunther '07 as Hogson, the Englishman whose daughter runs away to Paris with a French clerk, acted remarkably well. F.L. Warrin, Jr., 2L. as the interpreter who does not know a word of English caused constant laughter by his clever acting in the scene with the Englishman. C.G. Mayer as the Cassiere. A.S.A. Brady as Miss Betty, and J.C. White as inspecteur all proved excellent comedians. The members of the University Glee Club, H.B. Sawyer '06, H.C. Washburn '06, and H.L. Murphy '08, scored a great success in their trios, as did also J.P.S. Harrison in his solo of the operateur.

The classic play aroused constant admiration, the modern continual applause and laughter. The Pierian Sedality will render the old classic music of Lullt at the public performances, with the assistance of Miss Webster, who plays an historic harpsichord. The first public performance will be given tomorrow night in Brattle Hall at 8.30 o'clock, and the second on Monday evening in Jordan Hall, Boston, at 8.30 o'clock. Tickets, at $1.50 and $1.00, may be procured at Thurston's and Herrick's.
