

Elected Yesterday.--Committee Members to be Elected Friday.

The election of Senior Class Day officers yesterday resulted as follows:

First Marshal--B.K. Stephenson.

Second Marshal--J.M. Montgomery.

Third Marshal--J.D. Nichols.

Secretary--N. Kelley.


Orator--A.C. Blagden.

Ivy Orator--C.D. Morgan.

Poet--J. Hinckley.

Odist--H.A. Bellows.

Chorister--H.B. Sawyer.

The rule governing the election of Marshals was: "Every elector shall vote for three candidates for Marshals, indicating his preference for First, Second and Third Marshals. Of the three elected, that candidate receiving the highest number of votes for First Marshal shall be declared First Marshal; of the other two elected, that one whose total for First Marshal and Second Marshal shall be greater shall be Second Marshal; and the other candidate elected shall be Third Marshal."

Following is a summary of the number of votes received by each candidate: MARSHALS.   1  2  3 B.K. Stephenson,  182  34  31 J.M. Montgomery,  61  89  62 J.D. Nichols,  14  64  69 E.J. Dives,  9  61  69 O.D. Filley,  11  27  42 SECRETARY. N. Kelley,  157 F.A. Goodhue,  136 ORATOR. A.C. Blagden,  189 A.N. Holcombe,  102 IVY ORATOR. C.D. Morgan,  161 W.F. Emerson,  121 POET. J. Hinckley,  153 C.T. Ryder,  132 ODIST. H.A. Bellows,  159 F.C. Irving,  124 CHORISTER. H.B. Sawyer,  172 S. Titcomb,  113

The Senior election of Class, Class Day, and Photograph Committees will be held Friday. The polls will be open at the CRIMSON office from 8 until 6 o'clock.

Below is given the provisional list of nominations for the committees. Petitions for additional nominations signed by 50 eligible voters will be received up to 7 o'clock this evening; such petitions are to be left in a box provided for that purpose at the CRIMSON office.

Class Committee--L. Burchard, W.Z. Carr, A.L. Castle, E.J. Dives, O.D. Filley, R. Grant, Jr., D.A. Newhall.

Class Day Committee--S.K. Becker, W.F. Emerson, F.A. Goodhue, W.G. Graves, R.J. Leonard, L.I. Neale, F.H. Nesmith, H.R. Shurtleff, T.D. Sloan, W.A. Spencer, C.E. Ware, J.E. White.

Photograph Committee--J.D. Eliot, T.S. Farrelly, A.G. Gill, A.N. Holcombe, B.H. Squires, H.M. Turner.

As some men did not consult the provisional list of voters, it will be posted today at the Union, Leavitt & Peirce's Memorial Hall, Randall Hall, and the CRIMSON office. Any man whose name is not on this list may petition the Election Committee, and such petition will be passed on finally by the Committee. Petitions must be placed in a box provided for the purpose at the CRIMSON office before 7 o'clock tonight
