
Whist Club in Mystic Valley League

The University Whist Club is this year again a member of the Mystic Valley League, which is made up of six clubs near Cambridge. The University team lost to one of the clubs, but defeated the other four in a match played on November 15. Next Wednesday evening the regular monthly match will be held in Somerville. Three other league matches will be played at the following times and places: January 17 at the Alter Ego Club in Chelsea; February 14 in the Union; March 15 at the Towanda Club in Woburn. A team of eight men, will probably play Yale in April.

The University Club holds meetings unusually every week. Three tables are formed, when possible and club whist is played. This evening at 7.30 o'clock there will be an important meeting in Room 8 of the Union, and definite plans for the remainder of the year will be decided upon.
