At a meeting of the captains and coxswains of the dormitory crews last evening the plans and regulations governing the races were decided upon. The first preliminary race will be rowed down-stream on Tuesday at 3 o'clock and the second immediately after. The final race will probably be held on Thursday. The order in which the crews will start will not be decided upon until just before the race. The course will be one and one-eighths miles long, and will end at the University Boat Club. Buoys are to be placed in the river 90 feet apart, to mark the starting point of each crew. Referees will be placed on the shore and the bumps will be signalled by three pistol shots. As soon as the signal is given the crew bumped must drop out.
In these races a great deal depends upon the judgment of the coxswains. For their benefit the following regulations were decided upon. The bumping crew must keep to the outside of the bend and the crew bumped must drop out to the inside. The success of the races depends upon the observance of these rules. In order to identify the crews, coxswains will wear large numbers on their backs.
The following executive committee has been elected to whom all complaints or petitions should be sent: O. D. Filley '06, J. L. White '06, A. G. Gill '06, R. B. Gregg '07, A. B. Brooks '07.
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