
Yale, 53; Columbia, 0

The Yale football team defeated Columbia on Saturday 53 to 0 the largest score made by any Yale eleven in the past ten years. During the game 13 Yale substitutes were put in. Yale's attack consisted of plain straight and cross plunges, with occasional tackles back formations. Trips was used for the first time behind the line, making long gains through guard. In the end of the first half Columbia held Yale for downs on the 2-yard line.

The Yale line-up at the kick-off was as follows: l.c., Cates; Lt. Forbes; l.g., Homebred; c., Tripp; r.g., Bigelow; r.e., Shevlin; q.b. Jones; l.h.h, Veeder; r. h. b., Morse; f.b., Flinn.
