
Princeton Letter

The arrangements for the Army and Navy football game have now been pretty well completed. For bringing the crowds to Princeton, the Pennsylvania Railroad has built eleven new terminal tracks, in addition to the nine tracks already laid below Brokaw Field. Immediately after the game, special trains will depart as fast as they are filled, the increased accommodations providing for the transportation of as many as 12,000 passengers at one time. Luncheon will be served in the old and new gymnasiums, as well as on the first floor of University Hall and there will also be two tents dispensing handy lunch boxes. The upperclass clubs have also joined with the Alumni Committee and will entertain the officers and their families for luncheon on Saturday.

The university association football team won its first game from the second team of the Merion Cricket Club of Haverford, last Saturday, by the score of three goals to nothing. The men played well considering that this was their first game, and are taking a lively interest in the sport.

The university musical clubs gave a concert at the Merion Cricket Club, Haverford, on November 24, and a number of the members of the Glee Club gave a concert at Hill School, Pottsdown, Pa., on the following evening.

The progress of the ball in the Harvard-Yale football game was shown on a blackboard before a large crowd of students Saturday afternoon, and a telegraphic account of the game was read.

Twenty-two men from the freshman class have reported for basketball practice in the gymnasium, and have been drilled in the rudiments of the game by Coach Fred Cooper of Trenton. The candidates from the three upper classes will be called out within a few days.
