
First Basketball Work Yesterday

At the first basketball practice held last night in the Gymnasium 68 men reported, and it is expected that more will come out later. The candidates who reported in class squads were given very light work as it is the first aim of the coaches to get the men used to handling the ball. After some practice in shooting and passing each squad was given a short line-up.

L.O. Howard '07 will coach the Freshmen. The coaches or the other class squads will be appointed in a few days. Captains have been elected as follows: 1906, C.E. Ware; 1907, H. LeR. Reed; 1908, F.S. Brown.

The squads will continue to report at the following hours: 1906 at 6 o'clock; 1907 at 6.45 o'clock; 1908 at 7.15 o'clock; Law and Medical School men at 8 o'clock; 1909 at 8.15 o'clock.
