

SCORE 6 to 0.

Soldiers Field, November 25, 1905.--Harvard and Yale met this afternoon in the Stadium in the annual football game. Fully an hour before the time set for the game, the crowd of 41,000 people had begun to arrive on the field; the Harvard stands filled first.

At 1.30 o'clock the University band took their places in front of the cheering section and began to play Harvard airs. Hardley a cloud was in the sky and the air was scarcely bracing enough for good football. The warm weather favored the lighter Yale team. A stiff southwest wind was blowing diagonally across the field.

The field was in excellent conditions, and the wind that blew all the morning has removed all traces of last night's shower.

At 1.45 the band started "Out Director" and the Harvard section, led by Stephenson, joined in the chorus, everyone giving a cheer at the end.

Yale led off by a cheer for Harvard, which was quickly answered from the opposite side of the field. The Yale band then started "Boola," which was quickly followed by "On Soldiers Field," the new Harvard song.


At exactly 2 o'clock the Yale team came on the field, and it was given loud cheers by the Yale and Harvard sections. After passing around the ball for a minute they lined up for signals.

Two minutes later Knowlton led the Harvard team came on the field, amid tremendous cheers. They also lined up for signals. Yale also lined up for signals. Yale then tried a few punts.

A cheer was given for Captain Hurley by the Harvard stand.

Knowlton won the toss and chose to receive the Kick-off defending the south goal.

The teams lined up as follows: HARVARD.  YALE. Leary, l.e.  r.e., Shelvlin Brill, l.t.  r.t., Bigelow Burr, l.g.  r.g., Tripp Parker, c.  c., Flanders Kersburg, r.g.  l.g., Erwin Squires, r.t.  l.t., Forbes Knowlton, r.e.  l.e., Cates Starr, q.b.  q.b., T. Jones Foster, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Morse Wendell, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Roome Carr, f.b.  f.b., Quill

Bigelow kicked to Starr on 10-yard line.

Brill gained two and one-half yards through left guard.

Burr punted to Yale's 48-yard line, tackle by Leary. Failing to gain on two rushes. Rooms punted outside on Harvard's 30-yard line. Squires twice went through left tackle making five yards. Carr made five yards through right tackle. Squires went through right tackle. Squires went through left guard for five yards. Squires tried centre and was pushed along for four yards.

With Squires still back, Wendell took the ball through for three yards. Squires went through centre for eight yards. Squires gained one more yard through centre, Brill was then called back and Foster went through left guard for one yard. With third down and two yards to gain Brill was only able to gain a yard and the ball went to Yale on their 43-yard line.

Roome gained two yards outside left tackle. Quill made three yards outside left tackle and added three more through the same side. Roome made two yards through Kersburg. Quill was dragged along for 13 yards through left guard. Morse gained one yard, but on the next play Quill added five Yards. Ball on Harvard's 35-yard line. Quill made three yards through centre. Yale made one yard on next rush, but lost five yards for offside play. Quill made two yards through right guard. Ball on Harvard's 25-yard line.
