
Estimated Price of Board at Memorial

The estimated price of board per week at Memorial Hall for the month of October is $2.79, a decrease of 2 cents per week from $2.81, the charge for the second half of last year. This estimate, which includes a sufficient assessment to pay in 20 years for the new serving room, kitchen and other improvements put in last summer, is rendered possible by the increased number of men eating at the Hall this year, amongst whom the general running expenses are divided. The average membership of the past month was 1263, a gain of 124 over the average membership of the first half of last year, and 158 over the average of the second half.

The following table shows the expenses for the first month of this year compared with those on the last team bill. The total is the uniform charge per week to each member exclusive of coupons and extras:   1904-5  1905-6   Feb. 13  Sept. 27   --June 23.  --Oct. 31. Total general board  281  279

Analysed as follows: Sinking fund and interest on debt (estimated)  11  34 Interest on advances  05  06 Service  106  113 Coal  12  15 Repairs  09  00 All other expenses, including provisions in general board  138  111   --  --   281  279
