

Ended by Vote of Corporation in View of Mass. Supreme Court Decision.

At a meeting of the Corporation on October 30 the following letter was presented to the Board:

"President Charles W. Eliot,

Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. My dear President Eliot:--

I am directed by the Corporation of the Institute of Technology to communicate to you the fact that, in view of the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the state in the case of John Wilson et al. vs. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Corporation of the Institute finds it impossible to proceed with the plan of co-operation which was considered at its meeting of June 9.

In communicating this fact the Corporation desires at the same time to express its appreciation of the fairness and courtesy of the Corporation of Harvard University in our common effort to solve a difficult question. I am,   Very sincerely yours,   (Signed) HENRY S. PRITCHETT,   President.


October 11, 1905."

It was then voted that the committee of conference appointed by the Corporation May 16, 1904, at the instance of the Corporation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology be discharged; and that the President be requested to express to the members of the two committees of conference the high appreciation by the Corporation of the foresight, good judgment, and public spirit of which the Committees' project for a close affiliation between the Institute and the University gives evidence, and the regret of the President and Fellows that the project has been brought to naught by the recent decision of the Supreme Court, which makes it impossible for the Institute to place itself beside the University.

It was voted to acknowledge the receipt of notice from the Corporation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that the negotiation with this Board started by the Institute May 4, 1904, is at an end.
