The University eleven yesterday again showed great improvement in the team play, which is now being more fully developed every day. The team showed especially good form in starting, and in helping along the runner, its offense being practically irresitible. The first eleven made five touchdowns and a safety in 16 and 23-minute periods, but was scored on once as a result of a blocked kick. The defense was also much better: Peirce and Spear doing more encouraging work in this department.
Captain Hurley was in the line-up throughout the first half. He played a very fast game and put a great deal of snap into the rest of the team. Near the end of the first half he made a 35-yard run on the kick-off, following excellent interference. Leonard made the second touchdown by an 80-yard run, on which he used his hands to good effect and did some clever dodging. Snyder, who is being tried at end, made some clean, open tackles. He and O'Brien were changed from the second to the first eleven in the second half. A feature near the end of the scrimmage was Nichols' 35-yard run, in which he was dragged along by the whole team. The substitutes ran through signal practice before the scrimmage, and for this Barney was tried at left guard. O'Brien and Burr were also in this line-up, and the latter did the kicking during the punting practice.
The first eleven kicked off and, recovering the ball on downs on the 20-yard line, made the first score in five plays. Brill was sent over for the touchdown and White missed the goal. The next kickoff went over the line and Leonard punted out to Craft, who returned the ball to the centre of the field. The second eleven was forced to punt and Leonard, receiving Coach Brown's kick ran 80 yards through a broken field for a touchdown. Leonard punted out to Hurley and White kicked the goal from the 20-yard line.
Leary ran the kickoff to the 30-yard line, where Snyder stopped him with a hard tackle. An exchange of punts, between which the second eleven lost nine yards on an end run, left the ball on the latter team's 30-yard line. The ball was then carried down the field with no check except a five yard penalty for Kersburg's offside play, Guild making the third touchdown. White missed the goal. Hurley received the next kickoff on the 17-yard line and by hard running carried it though the line to the centre of the field. After an exchange of punts time was called.
The second half began with punting practice, during which the first eleven scored on Foster's fake kick, Cunniff kicking the goal. Immediately after the next kickoff Inches blocked Burr's punt and Stephenson, picking up the ball on the 15-yard line, went over for the second eleven's only touchdown. The punting practice was soon discontinued, the first eleven having the ball on the second's 50-yard line. Spear fumbled and Snyder fell on the ball. The second team was forced to punt and the last touchdown was scored by straight rushing from the 45-yard line, Squires going over. White kicked the goal. The only feature of the rest of the scrimmage was Nichols' run of 35 yards through the line. Just before time was called the first eleven scored a safety, as a result of two poor passes.
The line-up:
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