
Senior-Junior Debate Trials at 7.30

The first trial debate to choose the teams for the Senior-Junior debate on December 18, will be held this evening. The question for debate will be: "Resolved, That if it were possible, a reasonable property qualification in the exercise of the municipal franchise in the United States would be desirable."

The Senior trial will take place in Harvard 5 at 7.30 o'clock, and the Junior trial in Sever 11 at 7.30 o'clock. The speeches will be five minutes in length, and six men from each class will be retained for the second and final trial, which will be held on Monday at the same hour and place.

Candidates for both teams are requested to leave name, class and the side of the question they wish to defend with J. W. Plaisted '06. Matthews 59, before noon today. The order of speaking will posted in Gore Hall before 3 o'clock.
