

First Team Five Touchdowns--regular Players Back in Scrimmage.

The practise of the University squad yesterday afternoon was one more hard and, with the exception of short preliminary work in running through signals, all the time was given to the scrimmage. This consisted of two long 20-minute halves. In which the first eleven made five touchdown, and was scored on one as a result of a fumble.

Nearly all of the regular players were back on the first eleven. Starr, Foster, and Macdonald ran through signals, but did not play in the scrimmage. Burr was excused from practice on account of cold. Harrison was not out because of a slight injury received in the practice Tuesday, but he will be able to play again within a day or two. Guild and Lockwood were both out, but were only given light work, each running a few laps. Timmins of the second team was excused from practice on account of a slight injury. Knowlton was again tried at end and continues to do good work at his new position.

The offense of the first eleven was fast and strong, as is shown by the number of touchdowns, scored. With one or two exceptions the defense held firm and the second team's only score was due to Craft's quickness in taking advantage of a fumble by Squires. Neither eleven was free from fumbling, although there was very little as compared with Monday's exhibition.

The first touchdown was scored quickly. Gilder ran the Kickoff to the 35-yard line, and after the ball had been rushed to mid-field, Leonard punted. Kempner tumbled the Kick on the 25-yard line. Leary picked up the ball and ran 10 yards, and then Squires went over for the touchdown, Parker Kicking the goal. The next touchdown was made by Brill, after the ball had been rushed straight down the field from the 28-yard line Parker missed the goad. No more scoring was done in the first period, but the second team made two long gains.

Soon after the Kickoff in the second half, Squires fumbled and craft, securing the ball on the 35-yard line, made the second team's only score, Heilborn Kicking the goal. Squires made the next touchdown after the ball, secured by Parker on the 35-yard line on a fumble, had been rushed straight down the field. On the first play after the next Kickoff Parker broke through, and getting the ball from the second team, went over for a touchdown, almost without opposition. Parker kicked the goal also. The last score of the scrimmage was made on a blocked kick by Wendell. Gilder muffed Leonard's punt-out.


The line up: FIRST ELEVEN  SECOND ELEVEN Leary, l.e  r.e., Pruyn, Whitman Brill, l.t.  r.t., Pell Peirce, White, l.g.  r.g., Stephenson, McFadon Parker, Cunniff, c.  c., Barney Kersburg, r.g.  l.g., Brown Squires, r.t.  l.t., Irving, Gilmore Knowlton, r.e.  l.e., Hall, Ball Gilder, q.b.  q.b., Kempner, Morris Leonard, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Heilborn Hurley, Wendell, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Craft Somes, f.b.  f.b., Fish, Mason
