

At 3 o'clock--Three Crews Bumped in Races of Yesterday.

As a result of the second day of the inter-dormitory bumping races held yesterday afternoon the Grays, Waverley Craigie, and Westmorly crews will move up one place at the start of the final races this afternoon. The noticeable features of the races yesterday were, the marked improvement of the Perkins-Conant eight which nearly regained its position on the rive, the ease with which Matthews kept its place at the head of the river, and the confusion in the second race which followed the failure of the Dunster. Drayton crew to obey the judge's pistol.

Division B. which was scheduled to row at 3 o'clock, was in position on time, but was delayed over an hour in starting because of difficulty with the buoys which marked the starting points. The crews lined up for the start in the following order: 1, Matthews; 2, Thayer; , Perkins-Conant; 4, Beck-Fairfax; 5, Weld; 6, Russell; 7, Grays; 8, Holyoke (Second).

After four minutes of hard rowing Grays bumped Russell. When these boats bad dropped out Holyoke second was far behind, rowing in ragged form, and soon left the race. Thayer in the meantime was unable to gain on the Matthews boat, which held its lead to the finish. Perkins, the next in order was rowing in much better form than on Tuesday, but was not quite able to overtake Thayer. At the curve by the Stillman infirmary, Weld drew up to and passed the Fairfax crew, but on the wrong side. It then dropped back and attempted to make a fair bump, but in the short distance left was unable to do so. A bump was claimed, however, but the executive committee decided not to all it.

The race for Division A started at 4.50 o'clock in the following order: 1, Claverly; 2, Westmorly; 3, Holyoke (first); 4, Dunster-Drayton; 5, Waverley; 6, Brattle street; 7. Holworthy-Stoughton; 8, Mt.Auburn street. Within two minutes Westmorly, which was rowing in improved form, bumped Claverly, this winning the first position for today's race. Holyoke (first) finished without a bump. Waverley bumped the Dunster-Drayton crew on the straightaway before the last curve, but the latter failed to stop at the judge's signals, and Brattle street coming up stopped, thinking it had made a bump. The Holworthy-Stoughton boat then came up and claimed a bump on the Brattle street crew. The resulting disputes were submitted to the executive committee, which decided to all only the bump made by Waverley.

The final races will be rowed this afternoon at 3 o'clock, the crews which were bumped dropping back one place. Owing to the confusion caused by the rule which prohibits bumping on the inside, the executive committee has decided to allow bumps made on either side. This change in the rules will take effect to day.


It has been decided not to hold a straightaway race this fall between the crews having most bumps to their credit. These bumping races will probably be continued next year, the crews starting in the order decided by the race today.

The order of the division this after noon will be as follows:

Division A--1, Westmorly; 2, Claverly; 3, Holyoke (first); 4, Waverley; 5, Dunster-Drayton; 6, Brattle street; 7, Holworthy-Stoughton; 8, Mt. Auburn street.

Division B--1, Matthews; 2, Thayer; 3, Perkins-Conant; 4, Beck-Fairfax; 5, Weld; 6, Grays; 7, Russell; 8, Holyoke (second).

As it is important that the races be finished before dusk all men of Division A must report at the boat houses promptly at 2.45 o'clock, and the men of Division B at 3.15 o'clock. The Athletic Committee has given permission to hold the races at this time, and all necessary cuts will be excused at the Office, but work thus lost must be made up. The same officials are requested to report at the University Boat House at 2.30 o'clock
