
Fact and Rumor.

G. S. Taylor has been elected captain of the Sophomore football team.

The cost of season basketball tickets is $2, instead of $3, as stated in yesterday's CRIMSON.

F. M. Blagden '09 has been appointed cheer leader for the Freshman football game with Yale.

The University Band will play the College songs at the football games with Dartmouth and Yale.

Hereafter any member of the Union can buy playing cards at the news counter for ten cents a pack.


The Sophomore football team defeated Boxbury High School yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field by a score of II to 0.

The cup offered by the Ritle and Pistol Club for the novice rifle shoot has been won by S. Thomson '08 with a score of 302 out of a possible 500.

President Eliot will read a paper before the Ethical Society on "Great Riches.7 December 5 in Phillips Brooks House.

The University Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Clubs will give a concert this evening in Parker Memorial Hall, Boston. No seats will be sold, but tickets are being distributed among the settlements of the South End Social Union.
