

Prominent Men to Address Classes During the Year.

The winter classes at the Prospect Union will be begun during the week of October 16. Some thirty courses are offered in English and, the languages, Natural Science, History, Economics, Mathematics and commercial branches. The classes are made up of workingmen, drawn chiefly from the stores and factories of Cambridge. Among them are men of many different races, religious views and political parties, including a considerable number of socialists. The teachers, through the classes and the relationships which spring out of them are brought closely into contact with the students, thus coming to know something of the mental and moral makeup and the life problems of workingmen. This together with the discipline and responsibility of teaching, make such work of much value.

The teachers are selected from the upper classes and graduate schools. Instructors are needed in mathematics, English, including reading and spelling, grammar and composition, the languages, Geology, Physics, History, penmanship and the banjo. Men who wish to teach should see A. A. Ballantine, president of the Union, tomorrow evening between 7 and 8 at 7 Weld.

Outside of the classes one of the principal activities is the lectures. These are to be held this year on Sunday afternoons at 4 o'clock. The first lecture will be given on November 12 by Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Other speakers will be Professors Carver and Ripley, Mr. R. A. Woods, and Judge Emmons. Before and after the lectures there will be a short musical programme. During January, February and March Saturday evening smoke talks are given by instructors and others. At these talks teachers and students meet socially and in interesting informal discussions.

An important part in the financial plans of the Union is the annual dance, which will be held at Copley Hall on Friday, December 8.

The committee in charge will be A. A. Ballantine 2L., A. Drinkwater '00, C. Ehlermann, Jr., 1L., M. Hale 2L., B. Wendell, Jr., '02, R. Winsor 1L. and two undergraduates not yet selected.
