On Monday the first meeting of the regular gymnastic class, which is conducted by Mr. C. L. Schrader, was held in the Gymnasium. As in former years this class will meet at five o'clock except Saturdays and Sundays and exercises for about an hour under the supervision of the Instructor of Gymnastics. The work consists of dumb-bell, wand, and calisthenic exercises. The advanced class in gymnastics will probably have its first meeting at four o'clock on Monday afternoon, October 16.
Mr. C. L. Schrader, who has succeeded Mr. F. Dohs as Instructor of Gymnastics, has had a large experience as a teacher and is an expert gymnast. He has taken diplomas at the Milwaukee Seminary of Gymnastics and at the Chautauqua School of Physical Training, and for the past five years has been in charge of the physical training department at the New York State Normal School at Geneseo, N. Y. Previously he occupied a position for four-years assistant instructor of gymnastics at the Pennsylvania State Normal School at West Chester, Pa., and served in the Spanish-American war.
The classes will be open to all members of the University.
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