
Work of Dormitory Crews Last Week

The work of the dormitory crews during the past week has been fairly satisfactory. When the large amount of new material that the coaches have had to work with, and the difficulties under which many of the crews have been working are taken into consideration the present development is encouraging. Many of the crews, especially those rowing from the Weld Boat Club, have been seriously handicapped by the failure of men to report regularly. New men have been tried out and various changes in the order of the crews have been made.

Of the crews now rowing from the Weld Boat Club the Hollis-Holworthy crew is doing the best work. This crew is made up of new material, but the men have reported regularly and have rowed together every day. The Westmorly crew has not been on the river for several days. This crew at first did the best work of any, but the men have not been reporting regularly, so that its development has been slow. The Holyoke street crew, although doing fairly well, is handicapped by the failure of the men to report regularly. In this respect the Randolph crew has been severely handicapped. The Weld crew is doing fairly well and shows promise of ability. The general fault of all these crews is a tendency to rush the slides and to slow up at the finish.

At the Newell Boat Club the crews are much more evenly matched than at the Weld. The men are reporting fairly regularly and all the crews are developing well. General faults that the coaches are trying to overcome are a tendency to rush the slides and a lack of rythm at the finish of the stroke.

The following crews are rowing from the Newell: Claverly, Grays, Thayer (2 crews), Waverly, Fairfax (2 crew), Mt. Auburn street, Perkins-Conant, Dunster-Drayton. The Alsoroweds, a crew made up of men not rowing on one of the dormitory eights has been disbanded and the men distributed among the other crews.
