

In Phillips Brooks House at 8.--Subject: "Value of a Clean Record."

Mr. Robert E. Speer, of New York, will speak in Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House, at 8 o'clock this evening on "The Value of a Clean Record."

Mr. Speer prepared at Phillips Andover Academy, of which is now a trustee. He was graduated with high honors at Princeton in 1889. While in college he took a number of debating and public speaking prizes and played on the football team for four years. Since graduation he has spoken frequently at many Universities and colleges both in this country and in England. Mr. Speer is now secretary of the Foreign Mission Board of the Protestant Church. On his last visit to Cambridge in 1902 he spoke before a large audience in the Living Room of the Union. Among a number of other books, he has written "A Memorial of a True Life," a biography of Hugh Beaver, the son of ex-Governor Beaver of Pennsylvania.

The lecture is open to all members of the University.
