
Forum Debating Club Organized

The club formerly known as the Sophomore Debating Club has reorganized, but is now known as the Harvard Forum. It is no longer limited to Sophomores, but is composed of men from the three upper classes. The object of the club is to give all men who are not members of the University Debating Club an opportunity to take part in public speaking. furthermore, it is a preparatory organization to the University club.

After this week, when the meeting will be held on Friday, the regular meetings will take place on alternate Thursdays, in the Assembly Room of the Union, at 7.15 o'clock. The club already numbers 40 men. The following officers have been elected: president, B. M. Nussbaum '08: vice-president, D. Rosenblum '08: secretary, E. W. Carman '08: treasurer, H. H. Buckman '08.
