
Work of Cross Country Squad

The first long run of the cross country squad was held yesterday afternoon, when the men ran about 4 1-2 miles. The distance will later be increased to 8 miles. There were 25 men in the fast squad, and 10 others in the slow squad. The University team will be chosen from these two squads in about two weeks.

The prospects for a good team this year are excellent. Two of last year's team are out this year, C. J. Jackman 3L. and M. S. Crosby '08. M. H. Stone '07, who sprained his ankle a few days before the intercollegiate meet last year, and A. King 3L., captain for this year, who ran on, the team two and three years ago, are also back. The run with the Institute of Technology will take place on November 11. The intercollegiate races, in which Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Princeton and Cornell enter teams, will be held on November 24.
