

Few Exeporienced Candidates.--Team Weak in Hurdles and Weight Events.

Judging from the number of men of last year's track team who have returned to college, a decided weakness of the team as a whole is apparent. Dives in the quarter mile, Dodge in the sprints, Turner in the mile, Stone and King in the two mile, Jordan and Ford in the broad jump and Gring in the pole vault, are the men on whom chief reliance must be placed. Only in the mile and two mile does there seem to be much strength among the candidates who failed to make the team last year. The hurdles, the half mile, the high jump and the weight events are particularly weak.

Coach J. G. Lathrop will have general charge of the training of the team and W. F. Garcelon '95L. will act in the capacity of graduate advisory coach. It is also hoped to get a special trainer for the weight events. To add a greater element of sociability to the work, squads of men training for similar events will report at one time so far as practicable and squad captains will be appointed.

The following statement will show just how the team stands in each event.

In the sprints, L. P. Dodge '08, who won third place in the 100-yard dash, and second in the 220-yard dash in the Yale dual meet, and third place in the latter event at Philadelphia last year, will probably develop into a very fast runner. The only other short distance men of particular promise are E. D. Hamilton '06, who has done about 10 1-5s. in the 100-yard dash, P. C. Lockwood '07, who qualified in the 220-yard dash last spring, in Philadelphia, and F. H. Davis '07. The loss of W. A. Schick '05, who won the 100 and the 220-yard dashes in both the dual and intercollegiate meets last year, will greatly handicap the team.

With the exception of E. J. Dives '06, captain of the team, there is a decided lack of quarter-milers. T. B. Dorman '06, who ran in this event last year in the dual meet will probably try a shorter distance next spring, as well as trying for the broad jump. R. H. Cox '05 has not returned to college.


Fast men are also needed for the 880-yard run. H. H. Whitman '06, who won second place in the dual meet in 2m. 3s., is the most promising man, but it is probable that he will not be in Cambridge for the second half year. S. C. Smith '03 has left college. C. Brinsmade '07, who ran on the half-mile team against Yale in the B. A. A. meet last February, A. Dana '06, and H. A. Whitman '06 will be the candidates for this distance. S. Curtis '05 will not be eligible for the team.

H. M. Turner '06, who won third place at New Haven in 4m. 36s., and ran this event in 4m. 31 4-5s. at Philadelphia, is the only point winner in the mile run. Among the other men who should improve greatly by the time of the spring meets are C. H. Sutherland '06 and S. T. Hubbard '07, both of whom were in poor physical condition last year. Much is also expected of W. Minot '07, A. S. Cobb '07 and C. L. Ames '06, who have won a number of places in the University meets. All these men should do under 4m. 40s.

There are a number of good men who should do well in the two mile run. W. G. Howard '07, who finished second in the dual and fifth in the intercollegiate meet last spring, has had typhoid fever and may not be in condition to run this year. M. H. Stone '07, third and sixth, respectively, in the same meets, and A. King 3L. should make sure point winners. M. S. Crosby '08 and H. F. Miller sS. are the other promising men. D. Grant '07 has left the Medical School.

There is a serious lack of good material in the hurdles. O. F. Rogers '08, who has done 16 4-5s. in the high and 26 4-5s. in the low hurdles, is doing encouraging work. W. M. Rand '09 and I. B. Brandreth '09 seem to be promising candidates. J. B. Doyle '07 has not improved as was expected, and will probably try some other event.

In the high jump, E. J. Ford 2L. of last year's team, has done 5 ft. 7 in. in competition. R. E. Crane '05 has left College and A. Derby 3L. is not eligible. G. E. Roosevelt '09 shows very considerable promise.

W. B. Jordan '06 and F. J. W. Ford 3L. have returned and will undoubtedly improve in the broad jump. They gained first and third places in the meet with Yale at 22 ft. 6 3-8 in. and 22 ft. 4 in., respectively. R. K. Stoddard sS. is also a good man in this event.

Only two promising men are left for the pole vault. R. B. Gring '06, of the 1904 team, who tied for first place at 11 ft. 6 in. that year in the dual meet, is back. A. G. Grant '07 has done 11 ft. 3 in. in practice. As E. M. Sawyer 2G. has had four years of track work, he is ineligible.

R. Oveson 1L. is capable of throwing the hammer 138 feet or more, and H. E. Kersburg '07, who has been working hard and improving steadily, should attain the distance of 145 feet. B. F. Sherman '05, of last year's team has left College.

The loss of F. H. Schoenfuss in the shot put is a serious one. There is no one in the University who has ever done better than 40 feet in this event. W. A. Hanley '07 is expected to do good work, however, and B. T. Stephenson '08 is another promising candidate
