

First Eleven Scored Three Touchdowns.--Blair's 108-Yard Run.

University football practice yesterday afternoon was again secret, and with a few exceptions will continue so for the present. Few of the men who played in the West Point game were in the line-up, and as a result the practice was loose and ragged, fumbling being again one of the most serious faults.

In the scrimmage, which lasted 25 minutes, the first eleven scored three touchdowns and the second eleven one. Blair made the only score for the latter team by a 108-yard run.

Nesmith ran the first kick-off from the 5 to the 25-yard line. Leonard punted to Kempner and both teams were in turn penalized for offside play. Brill broke through and blocked a punt near the centre of the field, and Nesmith fell on the ball on the 17-yard line. From there the first eleven quickly carried the ball over, Brill making the touchdown. Cunniff kicked the goal. On the next kickoff the first eleven carried the ball by straight rushes to the 18-yard line, where Brill fumbled. The second eleven secured the ball, but fumbled on the next play, and Brill recovered the ball, which was then rushed almost to the second's goal line. Knowlton fumbled on the 2-yard line and Blair, picking up the ball, ran the length of the field for a touchdown. Macdonald followed close behind, but just missed a tackle. Sibley kicked the goal for the second team.

Sibley ran the kickoff back 10 yards to the 30-yard line. Coach Brown punted for the second eleven, the ball going outside on the 35-yard line. The first eleven then rushed the ball down the field, and Brill again went over for the touchdown, Burr kicking the goal. Whitman returned the next kickoff to the 35-yard line. After an exchange of punts and several fumbles, the first team secured the ball on its own 25-yard line and rushed straight down the field, Brill making the last touchdown. Time was called.

The line-up: FIRST TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Pruyn, Bartels, l.e.  r.e., Leary, Giddings Brill, l.t.  r.t., Schwarzenberg,  Harrison, Sibley McFadon, Burr, Davie, l.g.  r.g., McLeod Cunniff, c.  c., Horkheimer Davie, McFadon, r.g.  l.g., Wead Spear, r.t.  l.t., Sible, Gilmore Macdonald, Whitman, r.e.  l.e., Edwards Newhall, q.b.  q.b., Kempner Leonard, Nichols, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Heilborn Nesmith, Wendell, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Blair, Greenebaum Knowlton, Paul, f.b.  f.b., Hicks


P. Davie 2L., H. H. Whitman '06, E. G. Bartels '06, and F. S. Pruyn '07 have been taken to the first training table.
