
Second Eleven Defeated by Exeter

The University Second eleven was defeated by Exeter on Saturday in a hard fought game by 11 to 5. Exeter made two touchdowns in the first half, better team play and greater weight counting in her favor, but in the second period the second team's line-up was changed and the ball was carried down the field for a touchdown. Harvard nearly scored again, but Exeter braced and kept the ball is Harvard's territory the rest of the game.

The second, team line-up was as follows: l.e., Blagden, Sargent; l.t., Witherby; l.g., Brown; c., Horkheimer; r.g., Barney, Stephenson; r.t., Irving, Inches; r.e., Shurtieff, Leary; q.b. Sortwell, Morris; l.h.b., Blair, Schol, Greenbaum; f.b., Fish, Jones.
