

At West Point.--First Hard Game for University Team.--Hurley Not to Play.

The University football team will play the United States Military Academy this afternoon at West Point in what will probably be its first hard game of the season. Five members of last year's West Point team which held Harvard to a score of 4 to 0, will be in the game today, whereas Parker is the only man in the University line-up who played against West Point last year.

Although West Point was defeated last Saturday by the Virginia Polytechnic Institute by the score of 16 to 6, the team is a strong one, and the defeat was due rather to the fast work of Virginia than to West Point's poor playing. Two weeks ago West Point defeated Colgate by a score of 18 to 6 and last Saturday Colgate won from Dartmouth. The average weight of the West Point team is somewhat less than last year.

The probable line-up of the two teams follows: HARVARD  WEST POINT O'Brien, i.e.,  r.e., Gillespie Brill, l.t.  r.t., Mettler Parker, l.g.  r.g., Christy White, c.  c., Abraham Kersburg, r.g.,  l.g., Weeks Montogomery, r.t.  l.t., Erwin MacDonald, r.e.,  l.e., Wilheim Starr, q.b.  q.b., Garr Foster, Leonard, Nichols, 2.h.b.,  r.h.b., Hill Nesmith, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Beavers Carr, f.b.  f.b., Torney

Yesterday afternoon the University team ran through easy signal practice. On account of the rain this work was done in the cage. The men left Cambridge at 4 o'clock on a special car, and took the 4.50 boat train for Fall River. They will return to New York immediately after the game and spend the night at the Murray Hill hotel, leaving on the 10.02 train tomorrow morning for Boston.
