
Semi-Finals in Intercollegiate Golf

As a result of the play yesterday in the individual intercollegiate golf championship at Garden City, Long Island, R. Abbott and E. Knowles, both of Yale, will meet in the 36-hole final round today.

In the second round of match play yesterday morning, P. Gilbert '08 defeated T. Leggett, Princeton, 7 up and 6 to play; E. Knowles, Yale, defeated D. Partridge, Yale, 4 up and 2 to play; M E. Phelps, Yale, defeated H. J. Gee, Princeton, 3 up and 1 to play; R. Abbott, Yale, defeated R. Peters, Princeton, 3 up and 1 to play.

In the semi-final round in the afternoon, Gilbert was defeated by Abbott by the score of 3 up and 2 to play, and Knowles beat Phelps by the same score.

The best score of the day was 76, made by Knowles.
