At the meeting of the Intercollegiate Basketball League in New York last Saturday, a provisional schedule was arranged for this winter, and the following officers were elected: President, L. S. Edwards, Princeton; vice-president, F. O'Donnell, Yale; secretary, M. Ewing, University of Pennsylvania; treasurer, W. A. Spencer '06.
The new rules, incorporated in the report of the rules committee, have been carefully drawn up by the committee this summer, and are different in many respects from those of the Amateur Athletic Union, which were formerly used by the Intercollegiate League. An important change has been made in the rule regarding officials. Excluding timekeepers, there will be only one official at a game, as the old arrangement of having one to represent each of the two colleges playing, has been unsatisfactory. It is hoped by the League that these rules will take the place of the A. A. U. rules in all intercollegiate basketball.
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Sophomore Class Meeting