
Doubles in Fall Tennis Tournament

The matches in doubles in the fall tournament for the University tennis championship will begin this afternoon. Play in the singles, however, will continue as heretofore. The rules of the tournament will be the same for the doubles as for the singles. Results of the matches must be posted by the winners each day on the score cards placed in the CRIMSON office. If the result of any game is not posted by 6.30 P. M. both sides will be considered out of the tournament.

The following matches are scheduled for today:

Doubles at 3--G. Field '06 and Grant '06 vs. Stackpole '07 and Eaton '07; L. Harrison '07 and Reggio '07 vs. C. Brewer 2L. and Bradley 2L.; Fischel '09 and Ackerland '09 vs. von Schrader '06 and von Schrader '09; Reynolds '07 and Henshaw '07 vs. Hackett '08 and Page '09; Rogers '09 and Stetson '07 vs. Sulloway 2L. and Cole 2L.; Irving '07 and Davis '07 vs. Robbins '08 and Haddon '08.

Doubles at 3.45--Ivy 1L. and Wadsworth 2L. vs. Leonard '08 and Hackett '08; Pickman '07 and Pickman '08 vs. Cogswell '06 and Bacon 2L.; Devereux '09 and Shaw '09 vs. Campbell '08 and Tyng '08; Neilson 3L. and McClintock 3L. vs. Coleman 1L. and Auchincloss 3L.; Fox 3L. and Miller 3L. vs. Blagden '08 and Davis '08.

Doubles at 4--Marks '09 and Carlebach '09 vs. Niles '09 and Cutler '09; Root 3L. and Hale 3L. vs. Amberg '08 and Brosseau sC; Roche '09 and Roche '09 vs. Coleman 1L. and Kendall 2L.; Dole '07 and Wiswall '07 vs. Burt '08 and Burt '08; Fairbanks 3L. and Black 3L. vs. Morse '07 and Harlow '07.



The result of yesterday's play in singles was as follows:

Third round--A. J. Wertheimer '09 defeated A. Kendall 3L. 6-1, 6-4; S. W. Howland 2L. defeated E. S. Blagden '08 6-3, 6-3; F. J. Sulloway 2L. defeated A. Fox 3L. 6-3, 3-6, 6-2.

Both Wertheimer and Howland won with comparative ease, the result never being in doubt. The match between F. J. Sulloway and A. Fox, however, was very sharply contested, and marked by long rallies. Sulloway finally won through more accurate placing.

The following matches are scheduled for today:

Singles at 2--F. J. Sulloway 2L. vs. F. W. Cole 2L.; A. J. Wertheimer '09 vs. P. L. Miller 3L.; D. W. Howland 2L. vs. H. C. McClintock 3L.

Singles at 3--N. W. Niles '09 vs. C. C. Auchincloss 3L.

Singles at 4--S. T. Stackpole '07 vs. R. B. Dresser 3L.
