
Yale, 29; Springfield T. S., O

NEW HAVEN, Oct. 11.--The Yale football team defeated Springfield Training School at New Haven today by the score of 29 to 0.

Yale was able to gain almost at will throughout the game, while Springfield made first down only twice, and during the second half was unable to gain a yard. In the first half Veeder made two touchdowns and Morse one, while Morse and Jones scored in the second half. Towards the end of the game a large number of substitutes were put into the Yale line-up.

The Yale line-up at the kickoff was: l.e., Beebe; l.t., Forbes; l.g., Irwin; c., Flanders; r.g., Andrews; r.t., Turner; r.e., Bigelow; q.b., Hutchinson; l.h.b., Veeder; r.h.b., Morse; f.b., Wernecker.
