
Dormitory Rowing Starts Today

Regular practice for the dormitory crews will start this afternoon. It is essential for all candidates to report today, in order that the development of the crews may not be retarded by late entrances.

Crews report dressed at the following hours:--

From Newell Boat Club--At 4, Grays-Wadsworth House, Russell, Waverly-Craigie; 4.20, Fairfax, Mt. Auburn Street, Walter Hastings; 4.40, Thayer, Dunster, Claverly, and all other candidates not included in dormitory crews.

From Weld Boat Club--At 3.30, Randolph Freshman crew; 4.00, Randolph Senior crew; Matthews, Holyoke Street; 5.00, Westmorly, Weld, Holworthy.
