Since the cessation of fall rowing early in December the two balconies of the University boat-house, on the second floor facing the river, have been entirely enclosed. The western balcony is now a room, 37 by 22 feet, and will be used as a lounging room for members of the University Boat Club. It is finished in dark wood, has a hard-wood floor and a large brick fireplace, and is heated by steam. Several windows on the northern and western sides, facing the river, make the room light and attractive. The eastern balcony has been enclosed to make an additional locker-room, with accommodations for about 50 men. This room is also heated by steam.
Customary winter overhauling of the two launches, the "Veritas" and the "John Harvard," is in progress, and the rowing machines and tank have been cleaned and put in order for the beginning of winter work. At the Weld boat-house, a larger boiler has been installed to increase the efficiency of the heating plant.
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1907 Meeting Tomorrow Evening.