
New Courses in Second Half Year.

Two new half-courses are announced for the second half-year. Government 21, given by Mr. E. M. Parker on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.30, will be a comparison of the administrative systems of the United States and one or more of the several states, with those of France and some other continental country. The important differences in the laws relating to the action of these different administrations will be taken up. A knowledge of French will be required.

Mathematics 27, dealing with the fundamental concepts of mathematics, will be given by Dr. E. V. Huntington on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.30. The course is intended for students of mathematics or philosophy who desire a concise and systematic exposition of the fundamental concepts of mathematics in the light of recent researches. No advanced knowledge of mathematics will be required.

History 24, contrary to previous announcement, may be taken as a halfcourse in the second half-year.

A change of hours in Geology 6, from 2.30 o'clock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to 11 o'clock on the same days, has been proposed. Men wishing to take the course who find the first named hour impossible are requested to notify the Dean of the Faculty, University 5.
