

With Boston Hockey Club at 3 o'clock Today.--Hard Contest Expected.

If the Weather permits, the University hockey team will play the Boston Hockey Club this afternoon at 3 o'clock on the Stadium rink. The Hockey Club team is practically the same one which was defeated by the University team December 17 by a score of 8 to 6, but as there will be three substitutes in the University line-up this afternoon, the game should prove close.

The line-up: HARVARD.  BOSTON HOCKEY CLUB. Pell, l.e.  r.e., W. Foster Townsend, l.c.  r.c., F. Goodridge Callaway, r.c.  l.c., Winsor Foster, r.e.  l.e., Hardy Newhall, e.p.  c.p., Penhallow or Lovering Grant, p.  p., A. Goodridge Tilden, g.  g., Manning

In a spirited practice game yesterday afternoon the University team easily defeated the second team by a score of 5 to 1. The work of the first team was a decided improvement over Thursday's practice. The forwards, despite the absence from the line-up of wilder and Macleod, showed much better team work, kept well together on the offense and skated fast. Their passing was fairly accurate, but owing to the snow, the shooting was weak. Especially noticeable was the improvement in the first team's defense, Newhall and Grant repeatedly preventing the second team forwards from shooting.

The line-up: FIRST TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Pell, l.e.  r.e., Gowen Townsend, l.c.  r.c., Rumsey Callaway, r.c.  l.c., D. Wagstaff Foster, r.e.  l.e., Macleod Newhall, c.p.  c.p., Fraser-Campbell, S. Wagstaff Grant, p.  p., Sard, Pruyn Tilden, g.  g., Tyer

Goals--Foster 2, Townsend 2, Callaway 1, D. Wagstaff 1.
