
Camera Club Exhibition.

The annual exhibition of the Camera Club will begin this afternoon in the Museum Room of Robinson Hall, and will continue until January 12. The exhibition will be open to the public daily from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M., and on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays will be open in the evening.

From this exhibition a provisional selection of the best photographs will be made, and later the photographs for the intercollegiate exhibition will be finally chosen. F. H. Day of Boston, and P. P. Sharples of Cambridge, have been appointed as two of the three judges. First and second prizes and five honorable mentions will be awarded.

Yale, as well as Pennsylvania, will probably take part this year in the intercollegiate exhibition, which will be held in Philadelphia, April 3 to 12, in Cambridge, April 24 to May 3, and in New Haven later in case Yale participates.
