

Edward Linzee Cunningham '29.

Edward Linzee Cunningham '29, who was the oldest graduate of the Medical School and second oldest graduate of the University, died at his home in Newport, R. I., on Sunday morning. The funeral will take place on Wednesday, at Trinity Church, Newport.

Dr. Cunningham was born in Boston on January 2, 1810. After graduating from the Boston Latin School at the age of fifteen, he entered Harvard in the fall of 1825. He received an A.B. degree in 1829, standing second in the list of honor men, and an A.M. degree in 1832. At the time of graduation he was the class Latin salutatorian. He then took the Medical School course, graduating in 1832, but practiced the profession but little. He was a man of learning and culture, and wrote verses which attracted much attention. Thirty-three years ago he took up his residence in Newport, where he lived an unusually active life until last Tuesday, when he had a fall on the street. From that time he failed rapidly until his death. He was a member of the Hasty Pudding Club the Porcellian Club, and after graduation, of the Harvard Club of Rhode Island.
