
Hockey Team Defeated Freshmen.

In a listless practice game on the Stadium rink yesterday afternoon the University hockey team defeated the Freshmen by a score of 8 to 2. The playing of the University team was very ragged in all departments of the game. On the offensive the forwards seemed unable to keep up with the puck; while Wilder and Townsend were very slow in their stick work and did not follow back well. The defense was also ineffective, owing in great measure to the frequency with which Newhall left his position at coverpoint to play among the forwards. Tilden, moreover, was weak at goal. The Freshmen played aggressively, but were weak in passing and shooting. The line-up: UNIVERSITY TEAM.  FRESHMEN. Grant, D. Wagstaff, i.e.  r.e., Newhall Townsend, i.c.  r.c., Lovering Callaway, r.c.  i.c., Rumsey Wilder, r.e.  i.e.,Gilbert Newhall, c.p.  c.p., S. Wagstaff Sard, p.  p., Burton Tilden, g.  g., Carpenter

Goals-Callaway 2, Townsend 2, Sard Wilder, Newhall, Grant, Rumsey, Lovering.
