The Hyde lectures, given annually under the auspices of the Cercle Francais, will this year be delivered by M. Rene Millet in Sanders Theatre on February 15, 17, 20, 24 and 27, and March 1, 3 and 6. The general subject of the series will be "La France et. PIslam dans la Mediterrance." Following are the subjects of the several lectures:
February 15-"Coup d'oeil sur I'phistoire de la Mediterrance. L'unite dumonde antique."
February 17-"Rupture de I'unite. Le Christianisme et I'Islam."
February 20-"La Mediterrance au Moyen Age. Les Croises. Les Republiques maritimes. Rapports entre chretiens at musulmans."
February 24-"La question d'Orient depuis I'apparition des Tures et le role de la France."
February 27-"L'Occident et la Mediterrance. Les rapports avec I'Islam avanter apres la prise de Grenade."
March 1-"La France en Algerie. Le Probleme de la colonisation mixte. Erreurs et batonnements."
March 3-"La France en Tunisie. Essai d'entente avec I'Islam. L'esprit du Protectorat."
March 6-"Le Maroc. Avenir de la colonisation europeenne dans I'Afrique du Nord."
M. Millot has held a number of prominent government offices in France. Between the years 1885 and 1900 he was successively. Minister to Servia, and to Sweden, and President General at Tunis. In 1900 he retired to private life with the title of ambassador. For ten years M. Millet has made the report of the United States Congress in the "Annuaire de la Legislation Etrangere." He is well known as an authority on colonial matters and is the author of a number of works on this subject, among which are: "La France Provinciale," "Souvenirs des Balkans," "La Serbie Expansion de la France et la diplomatie," "La Serbie Economique," "Les Conditions du Travail en Suede et Norvege."
After delivering his lectures here M. Millet will start on a tour of lectures, by invitation of the Federation of the alliance Francaise in the United States.
Tickets for the course may be obtained from P. G. Henderson, Matthews 2, to whom all applications must be made in writing before February 2. No person may apply for more than four seats. Applications will be filled in order of their receipt.
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