The University hockey team defeated a scrub team composed chiefly of graduates Saturday afternoon on the Stadium rink by the score of 10 to 0. In the first half the game was marred by the snow on the ice, which made accurate shooting and passing impossible. The rink was cleared for the second half, when the work of both teams was fast and aggressive.
The University forwards skated fast and kept together well. They followed back more often and more effectively than at any time since the Princeton game last Saturday, and their play throughout was marked by a dash and aggressiveness which has been lacking in the recent practice. In keeping possession of the puck the men were somewhat weak, although they shot hard and with fair accuracy. The defense was considerably aided by the quick work of the forwards in following back, and was fairly strong, although Newhall, at coverpoint, was weak in body-checking.
The scrub team, though individually strong, was handicapped by lack of practice, and hence their team play was poor. The forwards, however, were quick in recovering the puck, and thus greatly aided their defense.
The summary: Score--University team, 10; Scrub team, 0. Goals--Wilder 3, Pell 3, Townsend 2, Callaway 2. Referee--H. Foster '07. Timekeeper--J. McMaster. Time--20-minute halves.
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