The University hockey team will play a team of graduates at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the Stadium.
As the University team has twice defeated the graduates this season, they should win easily this afternoon
The line-up: In practice yesterday afternoon the first team defeated the second by a score of 9 to 1. The second team played better hockey during the greater part of the game, but were unable to score after advancing the puck. On the offense the first team forwards were ragged in team play, seemed unable to keep possession of the puck, and, as usual, followed back poorly. The defense was fairly strong and Tyer, at goal, made several difficult stops. The second team forwards were better in stick work than the first team men, were much faster in following back, and gave more assistance to their defense. Coach Goodridge played on the second team. The line-up: Goals--Townsend 4, Pell 3, Callaway 1, Newhall 1, Fraser-Campbell 1.
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