The basketball game with Princeton on Saturday was a remarkably close contest, and finally resulted in a victory for Yale with a score of 17 to 13. In Yale's first game in the intercollegiate hockey series, Columbia was defeated by a score of 6 to 3. A feature of the game was the playing of Marcus and Shepard of Yale.
The management of the track team has issued a call for candidates and a large number are now training in the gymnasium under the coaching of Mr. Murphy and the members of last year's team.
Ninety-six men have responded to the call for candidates for the freshman crew and work in the rowing tanks has begun under the direction of S. Fish, Jr., '05, of last year's four-oar. The university crew will not be called out until after the Junior Promenade.
Great interest is manifested in the Junior Promenade and the various social events connected with it. Following the example of last year, Prom Week opened with a vaudeville performance at the Hyperion Theatre on Saturday evening.
G. V. D. Brown has been appointed leader of the Freshman Glee Club.
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