

Between Juniors and Sophomores in the Stadium at 4 This Afternoon.

The final game for the class hockey championship will be played between the Junior and Sophomore teams on the second rink in the Stadium this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Both teams are fairly strong in defensive work, but the Junior forwards excel in team play. In the preliminary games of the interclass series the Juniors showed better general form against the Seniors than the Sophomores did against the Freshmen, and they should win this afternoon.

The line-up: 1906  1907 Holland, Baker, l.e.  r.e., Eaton Tilney, l.c.  r.c., Edgell Morse, r.c.  l.c., Nichols Farrelly, r.e.  l.e., Claflin Nesmith, c.p.  c.p., Lanahan Vidaud, p.  p., Starr Warren, g.  g., Tyer, Tucker

All Juniors should be in the Stadium at 4 o'clock this afternoon to cheer the class hockey team in the championship game with the Sophomores. B. K. STEPHENSON.

Every members of the Sophomore class is urged to be in the Stadium this afternoon at 4 o'clock to cheer the class hockey team in the championship game with the Juniors.   W. H. KEELING.
